Quotes On Motion by Swami Vivekananda:

- The foremost and most obvious manifestation of Prana is the breathing motion.
- The highest knowledge will show you that there is no motion, no change in anything; that the very idea of it is all Maya.
- The universe is motion, and friction will eventually bring everything to an end; then comes a rest; and after that all begins again. . . .
- The very idea of part comes from the idea of change or motion.
- The Yogis class our organs under two chief heads: organs of sense and organs of motion, or knowledge and action.
- There is no motion in a straight line. A straight line infinitely projected becomes a circle.
- There is no such thing as motion in a straight line. Every motion is in a circle.
- There is nothing occult in the air that we take in with our breath and assimilate to purify the blood; the action is merely a motion. This motion can be reduced to the unit movement we call Prâna; and everywhere, all movements are the various manifestations of this Prana.
- This motion is always going on.
- This wavelike motion was going on even before time began, through eternity, and will remain for an infinite period of time.
- What electricity is no one knows, but so far as it is known, it is a sort of motion.
- What you call motion and causation cannot exist where there is only One.
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